ShopBlue e-Procurement System

shop blue logo.

ShopBlue is a fully integrated eProcurement system allowing authorized UB faculty and staff to place orders for necessary goods and services.

On this page:

Statewide Financial System Shutdown

The Statewide Financial System (SFS) is expected to be unavailable from approximately Thursday, March 27 at close of business through Monday, March 31 for state fiscal year-end processing.  ShopBlue will be available during normal business hours during the shutdown period. 

Continue to submit requisitions, receivers, and comments during this time. State-funded purchase orders and payments will not be completed during the shutdown.

ShopBlue Training

Register for training and log in to the test site to learn how to navigate ShopBlue.

About ShopBlue

ShopBlue electronically routes items through ordering stages, providing a trackable, one-stop shopping experience. 

Using ShopBlue

Find step-by-step instructions on how to complete tasks in ShopBlue by user role. 

User Roles in ShopBlue

There are 2 user roles in ShopBlue — Requester and Approver. Your access to ShopBlue will depend on your role.

Navigation Key and Guides

Become familiar with the ShopBlue interface.



Navigation Map and Icons

Punch-Out Supplier Navigation


Review instructional videos to learn how to use ShopBlue.

Glossary of Terms


Get Help Using ShopBlue

For help using ShopBlue e-procurement system, contact:

ShopBlue System Support

Phone: 716-645-4500
