ShopBlue is a fully integrated eProcurement system allowing authorized UB faculty and staff to place orders for necessary goods and services.
UBITName and password is required.
The Statewide Financial System (SFS) is expected to be unavailable from approximately Thursday, March 27 at close of business through Monday, March 31 for state fiscal year-end processing. ShopBlue will be available during normal business hours during the shutdown period.
Continue to submit requisitions, receivers, and comments during this time. State-funded purchase orders and payments will not be completed during the shutdown.
Register for training and log in to the test site to learn how to navigate ShopBlue.
Take a tour of the ShopBlue test site. It's not functional, but you may browse the site to become familiar with the interface. Log in with your UBITName and password.
The ShopBlue e-Procurement system has many new features and differences compared to the eReq system. This is an overview of some of the key changes to the way common purchasing functions are handled in ShopBlue.
Function | ShopBlue Changes |
Cancel vs. Reject |
Freight |
Invoicing |
Notifications |
Payment Request Form |
Purchase Orders |
Quotes |
Receivers |
Shopping Carts |
Supplier Fulfillment Centers |
Supplier Information |
ShopBlue electronically routes items through ordering stages, providing a trackable, one-stop shopping experience.
ShopBlue enhances process efficiency:
Find answers to frequently asked questions about ShopBlue.
Find step-by-step instructions on how to complete tasks in ShopBlue by user role.
It is required that a business purpose be provided in the "Business Purpose" field of each ShopBlue requisition. The valid business purpose options are listed here.
There are 2 user roles in ShopBlue — Requester and Approver. Your access to ShopBlue will depend on your role.
Become familiar with the ShopBlue interface.
Review instructional videos to learn how to use ShopBlue.
Approve or Complete and Show Next: this action approves current requisition and moves it to the next step in the workflow. Users will then automatically be advanced to the next requisition in the queue.
Approve or Complete Step: this action will approve the current requisition and moves it to the next step in the workflow.
Return to Shared Folder: this action returns the requisition to the shared folder. The requisition will be un-assigned and no longer assigned to the user.
Place on Hold: this action places the requisition on hold. The user will be required to enter a hold reason.
Return to Requisitioner: this action will return the requisition to the original requisitioner.
Forward to…: this action assigns the requisition to another Approver to have them approve on your behalf. Entering a comment to the new approver will be required.
Copy to New Cart: this action copies the current requisition to a new draft cart.
Add Comment: this action allows the user to add a comment and attachments to the document. The user will have the option to send an email to the involved users notifying them of the action.
Add Notes to History: this action will allow the user to attach a note to the document.
Reject Requisition: this action will CANCEL (reject) the requisition.
Buyer Invoice: The customer’s version of the invoice. An invoice contains information about the goods or services delivered from the supplier. An invoice typically contains shipping and handling in addition to tax information.
PO Invoice: An invoice associated with one or more eProcurement purchase orders.
Non-PO Invoice: An invoice that is NOT associated with an eProcurement purchase order. A non-PO Invoice may contain a PO number if the invoice was distrusted to the supplier external to ShopBlue.
Invoice Type: Defines the type of document being displayed
Invoice Status: There are different categories with which an invoice can be marked, including payable, paid, in process, dispute, and cancelled.
Receiver: A receiver in ShopBlue to indicate that the items have been physically received. A receiver is required for every transaction in ShopBlue except for Payment Request. Payment to the vendor will not be made until a receiver is completed.
Voucher: A voucher is an internal document that collects and organizes the necessary documentation and approvals before paying a vendor. All vouchers are reviewed and certified by the appropriate campus staff prior to being completed.
Update: this action will save any changes made to the form. Note: this option is only available when changes are being applied to an existing form.
Complete Form and Go to Cart: this action will save the form and add it to your active cart. Users will then be automatically routed to their active cart.
Add to Cart and Reset Form: this action allows users to add the form to their active cart. The form will then be cleared, allowing the user to enter new information onto a new form.
Save to Cart and Add Another: this action will save the form to your active cart. Users will then have the option to add an additional form with the same information as a second line item.
Add to Draft Cart: this action will allow users to add the form to one of their existing draft carts rather than to their active cart.
Add to Favorites: this action will save the form in the desired favorites folder selected by the user. The user can then conveniently access the completed form if it will be used multiple times.
Add to New Cart: this action will add the form as a line item to a new cart.
Forms and form requests are shopping methods that allows users to order goods and services that do not fit into the catalog model. Forms and form requests can be used for varying purposes and are available to shoppers for completion. The necessary information requested on a form or form request supports the specific purpose. Forms are used exclusively to order goods and services. Form requests can be used for purchasing requests but can also be used for requests that do not directly involve the purchase of a good or service.
Standing Order Request: Is a PO issued to establish an account with a supplier to obtain specific goods and services during a set period of time at an agreed upon price (e.g., having a supplier deliver two gas cylinders a week for a one-year period). Standing Orders are encumbered when the PO is created. Supporting documentation must be attached with each request (i.e., Quotes, Justifications). See the Purchasing Dollar Thresholds for more detailed information.
EH&S Request: A special form required for environmental health and safety. For radioactive, hazardous, or controlled substances
Trademark Materials Request: A special form used for UB’s trademarks materials and what they will be used for.
Lab Animal Request: This request is used for the procurement of any lab animals. Specialized approvals may be required upon submission. A special form is required to purchase lab animals. Lab animal requests must be submitted separately from other Marketplace items. You cannot mix this request with other items in your cart. Lab animals that are shipping directly to the VA or Roswell Park should be put through as a Non-Catalog Item or on a Standing Order form, not on a Lab Animal Request form. Requisitions to pay for animal care from the VA and Roswell Park should be put through on a Standing Order form, not on a Lab Animal Request form.
Payment Request: In ShopBlue, submit a payment request form for payment of goods or services received without an existing requisition or purchase order. See the Confirming Received Guidelines for more information about allowable commodities and exceptions.
Service Request: A Service Request form is used to initiate a Service Request, examples of which are repairs, maintenance agreements, printing, software agreements and anything involving labor. After submitting, the form will be routed to Procurement for processing.
Hosted catalogs are an electronic form of a supplier’s printed catalog. Suppliers provide information about the items that they sell on a spreadsheet. This information is then loaded into the application to be viewed by requestors as they shop. Normally, organization-specific pricing is applied to a host catalog.
Hosted catalog data from ALL suppliers is put into a single ShopBlue database. When a user shops for lumber, not only do they see the items from Home Depot, for example, but other stores selling similar items. Hosted catalog shopping allows quick comparison shopping across suppliers.
This is an additional function provided by some Punchout Suppliers. A “proxy” catalog is loaded, which allows an end user to search for products available on a punchout. No prices are included in the proxy catalog. An end user will punchout via an “order from supplier” link to view the prices and purchase the item(s). Types of Level 2 punchouts are:
A non-catalog item indicates the item is not available via hosted catalog or punchout catalog. A user is required to accurately describe the item, completing fields of information on a form such a supplier, item description, catalog number, UOM, price, quantity, and other criteria that provide an approver with enough data to make a decision on the requisition. The supplier name entered on a non-catalog item form can be required from the list of active suppliers, left bank or a new supplier can be typed in according to the rules of the organization.
You can click on a hyperlink to go to a supplier’s site to shop. This experience is very similar to shopping directly from the suppliers website as a consumer expect:
If an item originates from a punchout site, it is considered a punchout item.
Shared Cart: The shared cart features allows organizations to combine shopping and purchasing into shared carts for group orders. All group members are able to simultaneously shop and monitor cart contents, avoiding duplication and removing the burden of processing multiple individual orders. Shared carts can also be used to achieve discounts with suppliers that provide bulk order discounting.
Purchase Requisition (PR): Once a cart is submitted, it becomes a Purchase Requisition (PR). Funding for the Purchase is oftentimes validated (valid account entry and available account funding). Once a Purchase Requisition is fully approved and complete it becomes a Purchase Order.
Purchase Order (PO): A Purchase order is an order to purchase goods or services. A purchase order can be considered a binding contract. It contains the name and/or description of the goods you are buying, as well as the quantity, price, payment and delivery terms. Many suppliers, distributors and vendors will insist on a purchase order before they sell to you.
Receipt: A document indicating that goods or services included on the associated purchase order have been received, returned, or cancelled.
Requestor: Can shop for items and submit carts (that they created or they can submit carts from the shopper).
Approver: Can review (approve, return or reject) purchase requisitions assigned to them.
For help using ShopBlue e-procurement system, contact:
ShopBlue System Support
Phone: 716-645-4500