60 and Over Auditor

Request to audit a UB course at no cost, for auditors who are 60 years of age or older.

Read the Program Requirements First

Before completing this form, auditors should read the 60 and Over Auditors Program page.

Download the Form

Submit the Form

Auditors can submit the completed, signed application in person, by mail, by fax or via email.

1Capen (North Campus), Buffalo, NY 14260-1631; 1Diefendorf (South Campus)

Phone: 716-645-5698; Fax: 716-645-7762

Email: ubregistrar@buffalo.edu

More Information Will Be Emailed After Registration

After an auditor’s form has been processed and they have been enrolled, they will receive an email with information about obtaining a parking permit and activating their UBITName.