Upload a Form or Document

Get directions for uploading forms and documents to the Office of the Registrar.

Acceptable File Formats and File Names

Acceptable file formats are:
  • .pdf
  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .docx

Students should save their document in the following format: UB person number, followed by their last name and then the file name (ex. 12345678_Johnson_W9S).

Processing may be delayed if the file name is not in this format.

Include UB Person Number

Students should:

  • Include their UB Person Number in the file name so we can contact the student regarding unsuccessful uploads. 
  • Write their UB Person Number at the top of each page of the form or document.

Ensure the Form is Complete

Students should make sure:
  • All sections of UB forms are complete.
  • The file is clear and legible.
  • Handwritten signatures are included where requested.
  • Required documentation is included.

How to Upload Documents

Using the form below:
  1. Click “Select Files” in the upload files section.
  2. Select the document(s) for upload from the local device.
  3. Enter the student’s email address.
  4. In the file description field, include the UB person number, last name, and document name they are uploading (e.g., 12345678_Johnson_W9S)
  5. Click “Submit” to complete.

The University at Buffalo Office of the Registrar will not return submitted documents.