It is important for students and faculty or staff advisors to understand their responsibilities and the potential liabilities when managing an organization's funds. These guidelines outline requirements and best practices for managing funds.
There are three primary steps to forming a sanctioned university club or organization:
Before clubs or organizations can set up an account, they must be recognized by the university.
The Student Organization Process for Recognition is managed by Student Engagement. Student organizations can learn more about this process by visiting Student Engagement's webpage. Student Engagement also offers workshops and consultations for student organizations that would like to become recognzied.
All student clubs and organizations recognized by a student government (funded by the mandatory student activity fee or self supporting) must use Faculty Student Association (FSA) as their primary fiscal agent for accounting services.
Other clubs and organizations can request an account (after being recognized through the Student Organization Process for Recognition). If they are unsure which account type they require (University at Buffalo Foundation (UBF) Agency Account or UBF General Operating Account), they should contact Financial Management for assistance.
If student clubs use the university’s name, logo, or facilities for club activity, funds should be deposited into a UB-approved account. Revenues should not be deposited into a personal or third-party account.
Account Type | Funding Source | Club Type | Application Information |
General Operating Account | UBF | Clubs or Organizations recognized by the university but NOT recognized by a student government or as independent entities. | General Operating Account Request Form |
Agency Account | UBF | Clubs or Organizations recognized by the university and who are independent entities (501c, LLC, Inc.). Agency Accounts are for Local Chapters of National Organizations. | Agency Account Request Form |
Student Government Agency Account | FSA | Student Clubs or Organizations recognized by one of the seven student governments. | Clubs or Organizations will receive their account as part of the recognition process. |
If you are unsure of what account type you need, please contact us at
Each account type has specific policies and procedures that must be followed by club officers and faculty or staff advisors.
UBF requires that clubs or organizations utilizing Agency Accounts prepare a budget at the beginning of the school year or term.
Excel is a great tool for developing budgets.
Student clubs and organizations should use UBF approved electronic payment processing platforms to collect revenue. In limited circumstances (e.g. raffles), cash can be collected.
All student governments, organizations, clubs or groups should follow the university's Safeguarding Cash and Cash Equivalents Policy.
Student clubs and organizations should use UBF approved electronic payment processing platforms to collect revenue.
Using UB Marketplace, student clubs and organizations can accept credit, debit and electronic check payments for products, services and donations.
Restrictions on use of funds are dependent on agreements signed between UBF (the fiscal agent) and the independent entity.
Student clubs and organizations can make purchases or pay bills using:
All vendors must have a W-8 (Tax Form for Foreign Vendors) or W-9 (Tax Form for U.S. Vendors) on file.
If your affiliated entity is exempt from sales tax, you must obtain a copy of their tax exempt certificate.
Students must have an exception form to purchase through Amazon and receive reimbursement.
Refer to the Amazon Guidelines
All equipment purchased with Agency Account Funds should be managed by the guidelines outlined in the agency agreement.
Reconciling should be performed by an individual other than those responsible for signing off on payments.
There are no deposit or withdrawal fees.
UBF will provide account reports to signatories on the account but the independent entities are responsible for maintaining their own financial reporting, tax filing and audits.
Instruction on how to submit a deposit can be found in the Depositing Revenue and Cash Handling section of the Financial Guidelines for Recognized Clubs and Organizations.
All ticket and merchandise sales should run through the Student Union Ticket Office. Please contact the Student Union Ticket Office Coordinator at (716) 645-2055 or Request Additional Information (via UBLinked)
Other deposits can be brought to FSA in Fargo Quad, Suite 146, Buffalo, NY 14261-0050.
Clubs and organizations can request a check by filling out a UBF Disbursement Request. Additional information and a link to the form can be found in the Paying Bills and Reconciling section of the Financial Guidelines for Recognized Clubs and Organizations.
Student Clubs and Organizations must fill out an FSA Requisition Request and receive a PO before they can purchase items.
Instruction on how to set up UB Marketplace can be found in the Accepting Electronic Payments section of the Financial Guidelines for Recognized Clubs and Organizations.
While checks are cut daily, please allow up to 7 business days for processing.
Contact FSA for additional information.
No, however, cash advances are available in special circumstances to cover specifically pre-identified club expenditures that cannot easily be paid for by an individual and reimbursed via a UBF Disbursement request. Advances must be "cleared," post purchase, by providing receipts and business purposes for the items purchased. Instruction on how to submit a UBF Disbursement Request can be found in the Paying Bills and Reconciling section of the Financial Guidelines for Recognized Clubs and Organizations.
Student Governments do not have credit cards. Individual students can get reimbursed if they use a personal credit card or debit card to make a purchase.
No, Venmo and other peer to peer cash apps are not Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant. Clubs may use UB Marketplace to accept electronic payments. Instruction on how to set up UB Marketplace can be found in the Accepting Electronic Payments section of the Financial Guidelines for Recognized Clubs and Organizations.
Contact FSA for additional information.
No, GoFundMe is not Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant. Clubs may use UB Marketplace to accept electronic payments. Instruction on how to set up UB Marketplace can be found in the Accepting Electronic Payments section of the Financial Guidelines for Recognized Clubs and Organizations.
Contact FSA for additional information.
Information on funding restrictions can be found in the Allowable Use of Funds section of the Financial Guidelines for Recognized Clubs and Organizations.
Restrictions on use of funds are dependent on agreements signed between UBF (the fiscal agent) and the independent entity.
Clubs and organizations recognized by a Student Government must follow the Use of Funds section of the SUNY Student Activity Fees - Mandatory Policy.
Yes. Via Strategic Information Reporting Initiative (SIRI). Login information to SIRI can be found in the Paying Bills and Reconciling section of the Financial Guidelines for Recognized Clubs and Organizations.
Contact FSA for additional information.
Yes. Access will be provided to designated advisors and board members during the onboarding process. More information on SIRI can be found in the Paying Bills and Reconciling section of the Financial Guidelines for Recognized Clubs and Organizations.
Updates to SIRI are made nightly and include all transactions processed during the business day.
Information on fundraising can be found in the Fundraising section of the Financial Guidelines for Recognized Clubs and Organizations.
There are no deposit or withdrawal fees.
Clubs and organizations are responsible for submitting all receipts to UBF. UBF is responsible for all financial reporting, tax filings and audits.
Clubs and organizations are responsible for submitting all receipts to UBF. UBF will provide account reports to signatories on the account but the independent entities are responsible for maintaining their own financial reporting, tax filing and audits.
Financial reporting, tax filing and audit requirements are outlined in the Student Government contracts with FSA.
Ashley Butcher
Cost Accounting and Financial Reporting
Financial Management
Phone: 716-645-1521
Email: ambutche@
Christopher Decker
Senior Director of Administration
UB Foundation
Phone: 716-645-8740
Email: cdecker@
Michael R. Grela
Accounting Manager
FSA - Campus Dining and Shops
Phone: 716-645-2954
Email: mrgrela@