State, Research Foundation and UB Foundation have different procedures for opening accounts. Consider the funding source for the account to determine the type of account to request.
Unit Business Officer, Vice President or Dean approval is required for new accounts.
If you are creating an account to collect revenue, ensure the account type is allowable and all necessary approvals have been followed.
To request a new UB Foundation account, follow the outline procedures for spendable or endowment accounts.
Contact Jill Robins to request an endowment account.
Phone: (716) 645-8717
UB faculty and staff members can request an account. Please note that some accounts may require additional approvals before establishment. University Advancement requires a gift agreement or letter from donor(s) prior to establishing restricted-use accounts.
Hazel Pasco
State Accounting and Financial Reporting
Financial Management
Phone: 716-645-2645
Email: hjpasco@
Matthew Cannon
Accounting: Non-sponsored RF
Financial Management
Phone: 716-645-0165