Reimburse Individuals

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Reimbursements with Non-Sponsored Research funds are paid to UB employees and non-employees who have incurred travel expenses or purchased business-related goods with out-of-pocket funds on behalf of the university.

Not All Purchases Are Reimbursable

Seeking reimbursement for out of pocket expenses is not a best practice. You are not guaranteed reimbursement.

Preferred Purchasing Methods

Departments must consider using UB's preferred purchasing methods such as a Procurement Card, eProcurement or purchase order for business transactions. Using these methods ensures contract pricing, liability and tax exemption requirements are met. When requesting reimbursement, you may be asked to explain why one of these preferred methods was not utilized.

Ownership of Reimbursed Items

Ownership of all items acquired with state, Research Foundation (RF) or UB Foundation (UBF) funds is vested with the respective entity and not the individual faculty or staff member. This includes items purchased:

  • by an individual for which the cost was reimbursed.
  • using a university procurement method such as a purchase order, Procurement Card (PCard), or any eProcurement method.

Departments must also ensure appropriate asset management requirements are met.

Prerequisites for Reimbursement

  • List the UB business purpose for the expense on the expense report or voucher.
  • Attach original receipts to the expense report or voucher.
  • Verification of payment. Depending on how the purchase was made, additional information may be requested to substantiate that the purchase of goods or services took place.
  • For vouchers, the payee and the authorized individual must sign it. For expense reports, the payee must accept the electronic agreement. For more information, review the UB Approval Authority Policy.

Food and Beverage Reimbursements

The Allowable Use of Funds policy governs payment and reimbursement for food, beverage and related expenses associated with official university functions. Documentation is required to support and justify the business-related purpose of the expense.

Sales Tax Exemptions

Every effort should be made to obtain New York State sales tax exemption. If the vendor did not accommodate UB's tax exempt status, you may be required to provide an explanation.

Restrictions for Reimbursements

Reimbursement is typically requested for food purchases and registration costs for vendors that may not accept credit cards or purchase orders. Registration costs related to travel should be included on the expense report or voucher.

Not all non-sponsored research funded items can be reimbursed on an expense report or voucher. The following expenses cannot be requested:

The Research Foundation of SUNY's policy for unrestricted funds identifies valid business purposes for non-compensation expenses and the types of expenditures that are permissible for payment or reimbursement by the RF. The policy provides criteria for determining a permissible expense, and provides examples of common expenses.

How to Request Reimbursement

For Purchases

For Travel

How to Confirm Reimbursement

Payments can be confirmed by the department using the SIRI Money dashboard.

Research Foundation reimbursements for RF-funded employees are either direct deposited if an ACH form has been submitted, or mailed to the address in the payroll file

Reimbursement Timeline

Employee reimbursements for travel or other expenses will be paid on an ongoing basis and are not impacted by the payroll schedule. Employees will be reimbursed as expense reports are processed. 


Research Foundation-funded advances are also a type of reimbursement. These types of payments are typically used for human subject payments. In this case, the payee must:

  • Provide a home OR campus address and must
  • Sign the Payee Certification above the Authorized Signature


A Consent Form must be distributed to each human subject that includes information about Internal Revenue Service requirements for 1099 reporting. The Principal Investigator must retain all signed and dated consent forms.

Please forward a completed W-9 form for any individuals who earn more than $600 in a calendar year, along with the total amount paid for a 1099 Tax form to be issued.

Learn more
  • Department Initiates Request by completing and submitting a RAP form to Non-Sponsored Group (418 Crofts Hall). The form should clearly state the intended use, time period & disposition of funds. Advance of funds should be a reasonable amount needed for a one month time period.
  • Non-Sponsored Group will create a purchase order (PO) and encumber funds for $1.00 more than the amount requested. A check will be generated for the amount requested.
  • The Department is responsible to maintain a ledger to record deposits and track the disbursements of the advance. The ledger should include the following: name of payee, participant ID code, the date of the payment, method of payment and dollar amount.
  • The Principal Investigator (PI) assumes responsibility for the funds upon cashing the check (Funds should never be deposited into a personal bank account). Cash/ Gift Cards should be held in a locked cashbox separate from the ledger and receipts to ensure proper security and financial control. If funds become missing or stolen, report the loss immediately to facility security and to Non-Sponsored Group.
  • At the end of each month, participant disbursements and receipts must be reconciled. A copy of the ledger with payee’s names removed should be sent to SPS. All signed receipts are to be housed in the department and available upon request/audit. Please retain records in accordance with the retention requirements for Vendor Payments files.
  • If funds need to be replenished, please resubmit another RAP form and SPS will increase the existing Purchase Order and make payment. In lieu of the RAP form, an email request may be sent with the appropriate approvals.

Contact an Expert


Brendan Davis.

Brendan Davis

Accounting: Non-sponsored RF

Financial Management

For Goods and Services Reimbursements

Gabi Millitello.

Gabi Militello

Travel, Financial Management

Phone: 716-645-4552
