Accounts Payable processes payments to suppliers for purchase orders. AP staff matches the invoice to the purchase order and receiving information to complete the payment process.
After your order has been received, you have to create and submit a receiver in ShopBlue to indicate that the items have been received.
A receiver is required for every transaction in ShopBlue except for Payment Requests.
When you receive part of or all of your purchase order, submit a Web Receiver to authorize payment of the invoice. Furniture and carpeting orders of any amounts require a Web Receiver.
For individual invoices less than $5,000, Accounts Payable will issue payment ten calendar days after receipt of the invoice unless notified by the ordering department of any damages or discrepancies. This process is outlined in the Receipt of Goods and Services Policy.
Contact the AP staff member who processes payment for the vendor to hold payment or you may submit a Web Receiver immediately to notify Accounts Payable to hold payment.
A receiver is required for furniture and carpeting at all dollar amounts.
Contact the purchasing agent who coordinated your order for help to resolve problems related to damaged goods, incorrect items, wrong delivery, price differences between invoice and purchase order.
Use SIRI. Choose the Procurement dashboard, then State Payments tab. In the check/ACH field, a direct deposit (ACH) reference is 7 digits, a check number is 8 digits beginning with a zero, (e.g.) 0XXXXXXX.
Inquiries to:
Invoices to:
Use the RF Report Center, RF AIR (Activity Interface Reporting) dashboard, Accounts Payable Inquiry tab.
Inquiries to:
Invoices to:
To ensure timely payment, email any invoices you receive directly to the appropriate email address indicated in this section. Include the purchase order number or requisition number directly on the invoice if not already listed. A purchase order is required to process payment. Attaching invoices within ShopBlue to requisitions, purchase orders, or receivers will not result in payment.
Note: Invoices must be attached to Payment Requests and do not need to be emailed to Accounts Payable.
(Purchase order number ends in UBF)
Suppliers: invoices should be mailed or emailed to the address indicated on the purchase order.
All suppliers new to UB are required to submit a completed 2-page tax ID form to Procurement Services as confirmation of their business identity. This information is used to build supplier profiles in the three databases that support encumbrances from our electronic requisitioning system. Submit a UB version for U.S.-based vendors of the W-9 form or submit a UB version of the W-8 form for non U.S.-based suppliers.
A fast and efficient method to receive your payments from New York State is to enroll in New York State's epayments (electronic payments). Please visit the NYS Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) Vendor website to enroll.
New York State uses the Statewide Financial System (SFS) to maintain vendor information. All vendors paid by entities utilizing state funds must be enrolled in SFS. The entity for which the vendor makes their first purchasing agreement with is responsible to enroll the vendor in SFS. Any future changes to the vendor record must be maintained by the vendor.
For future changes in SFS, keep your sign-up and login information to expedite the process. Go to the Statewide Financial System (SFS) to make any additions or changes to your supplier information so you can be paid timely. If you do not know your login, please contact the SFS help desk at 518-457-7717 or 855-233-8363.
A fast and efficient method to receive your payments from the Research Foundation is to enroll in RF’s electronic payment option. The Research Foundation’s Electronic Payment for Vendors and Consultants website includes contact information for enrollment.
Provide a completed W-9 form, along with the approved expenditure form (disbursement request, eReq, or ShopBlue), before payments can be made to a new vendor.
Email inquiries to:
Email invoices to:
eReq activity for suppliers whose name begins with: E, G, I, N, O, P, Q, R, W, X, Y, Z (except National Fuel, National Grid, Praxair)
Darlene Brown
State Accounts Payable
ShopBlue Vouchers Team
ShopBlue Vouchers Team
eReq activity for suppliers whose name begins with: H, S
eReq activity for suppliers whose name begins with: A, B, C, D, J, K, L, T, U, V
ShopBlue Vouchers Team
eReq activity for suppliers whose name begins with: F, M; Utilities
ShopBlue Resolution Team
ShopBlue Operations Team
ShopBlue Operations Team
General payment questions and ShopBlue inquiries
Annette Saraceno
Accounts Payable Systems and Payment Operations
Email inquiries to:
Email invoices to:
Email Independent Contractor invoices to:
Email subcontract inquiries and invoices to:
ShopBlue Resolution Team
eReq activity for suppliers whose name begins with: E, F, G, H, I, J, L, P; Student Accounts Payments
Kellie Attea
Research Foundation Accounts Payable
ShopBlue Vouchers Team
ShopBlue Resolution Team
ShopBlue Vouchers Team
eReq activity for suppliers whose name begins with: A, B, C, D, K, N, O, Q; VWR International
Carol Michno
Research Foundation Accounts Payable
ShopBlue Operations Team
ShopBlue Operations Team
ShopBlue Vouchers Team
eReq activity for suppliers whose name begins with: M, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z; Krackeler Scientific; Subcontracts
Tonya Paulk
Research Foundation Accounts Payable
Consult With Your Unit Business Officer for Initial Clarification or Interpretation Questions.
Arts & Sciences, Engineering & Applied Sciences, Architecture & Planning
Susan Eiss
Payables/Expenditure Processing Associate
UB Foundation
Phone: (716) 645-8724
Email: sleiss@
UDSMR, Management, Law, Student Life, Graduate Medical Education, Graduate School of Education, Sponsored Programs, Social Work
Ingrid McCabe
Payables/Expenditure Processing Associate
UB Foundation
Phone: 716-645-8723
Email: deviam@
Athletics, Student Housing, University Advancement
Reid Walton
Payables/Expenditure Processing Associate
UB Foundation
Phone: (716) 645-8745
Email: reidwalt@
Stephanie (Stevie) Ruffino
Accounts Payable Coordinator
UB Foundation
Phone: 716-645-8748
Email: scruffin@