On average, after UBF receives the expenditure request, it takes approximately one week to process the request. Additional processing time is required if the expenditure amount is $50,000 or more.
Contact the buyer who coordinated your order. They will resolve problems related to damaged goods, incorrect items, wrong delivery, price differences between invoice and purchase order, etc.
Use SIRI. Choose the Procurement dashboard, then State Payments tab. In the check/ACH field, a direct deposit (ACH) reference is 7 digits, a check number is 8 digits beginning with a zero, (e.g.) 0XXXXXXX.
Upon receipt of an invoice with a valid purchase order number, and completion of a corresponding receiver, Accounts Payble will issue payment of the invoice.
After your order has been received, you have to create and submit a receiver in ShopBlue to indicate that the items have been received.
A receiver is required for every transaction in ShopBlue except for Payment Requests.
Contact the buyer who coordinated your order. They will resolve problems related to damaged goods, incorrect items, wrong delivery, price differences between invoice and purchase order, etc.
Use the RF Report Center, RF AIR (Activity Interface Reporting) dashboard, Accounts Payable Inquiry tab.
To ensure timely payment, email any invoices you receive directly to the email addresses indicated for payment to be processed and include the purchase order number or requisition number directly on the invoice if not already listed. A purchase order is required to process payment. Attaching invoices within ShopBlue to requisitions, purchase orders, or receivers will not result in payment. Accounts Payable does not receive notification or the invoice.
Note: For Payment Requests only, invoices must be attached to the requisition and do not need to be emailed to Accounts Payable.
State and Research purchase orders: apinvoice@business.buffalo.edu
UBF purchase orders: ubf-ap@buffalo.edu