Reimbursements with state funds are paid to UB employees and non-employees who have incurred travel expenses or purchased business-related goods with out-of-pocket funds on behalf of the university.
Seeking reimbursement for out of pocket expenses is not a best practice. You are not guaranteed reimbursement.
Departments must consider using UB's preferred purchasing methods such as a Procurement Card, eProcurement or purchase order for business transactions. Using these methods ensures contract pricing, liability and tax exemption requirements are met. When requesting reimbursement, you may be asked to explain why one of these preferred methods was not utilized.
Ownership of all items acquired with state, Research Foundation (RF) or UB Foundation (UBF) funds is vested with the respective entity and not the individual faculty or staff member. This includes items purchased:
Departments must also ensure appropriate asset management requirements are met.
The Allowable Use of Funds policy governs payment and reimbursement for food, beverage and related expenses associated with official university functions. Documentation is required to support and justify the business-related purpose of the expense.
Every effort should be made to obtain New York State sales tax exemption. If the vendor did not accommodate UB's tax exempt status, you may be required to provide an explanation.
Reimbursement is typically requested for food purchases and registration costs for vendors that may not accept credit cards or purchase orders. Registration costs related to travel should be included on the expense report or voucher.
Not all state-funded items can be reimbursed on an expense report or voucher. The following expenses cannot be requested:
Employees use the travel and expense reimbursement system to create an expense report to request reimbursement for business non-travel expenses using state funds.
Reimbursements with state funds are paid to non-employees of UB who have purchased goods and services with out-of-pocket funds. Non-employees include:
The host department or unit should submit the Non-Employee Personal Reimbursement Request to reimburse non-employees for business non-travel expenses.
Employees use the travel and expense reimbursement system to create an expense report to request reimbursement for business travel expenses using state funds.
Reimbursements with state funds are paid to non-employees of UB for travel expenses incurred while conducting official university business. Non-employees include:
The host department or unit should submit the Non-Employee Travel Voucher for State to reimburse non-employees for out-of-pocket business travel expenses.
Payments can be confirmed by the department using the SIRI State Payments tab. A direct deposit reference is 7 digits, a check number is 8 digits beginning with a zero, (e.g.) 0XXXXXXX.
Reimbursements with state funds for state-funded employees are either direct-deposited into the payroll account or mailed to the address in the payroll file. Employees do not need to be added to the state-wide vendor file in order to be reimbursed. Non-employee reimbursements are mailed to the address provided on the voucher.
If Employee Receives Pay by Paper Check — employees that receive part or all of their pay in a check will continue to receive a check for their travel or expense reimbursements. However, that check will be mailed to the same address as the one that appears on the employee’s paycheck. There is no option to have travel or expense reimbursements sent to a different address.
If Employee Receives Pay by Direct Deposit — employees will not receive any notification that a direct deposit has occurred. Employees that have their full paycheck direct deposited to one bank account will have their travel or expense reimbursements deposited to that same account. Employees that have their direct deposit split across more than one account will have their travel or expense reimbursements deposited into the account where the balance of their pay goes. For example, if you have $300 per paycheck direct deposited to Bank A and the balance to Bank B, your travel or expense reimbursement will go to Bank B. However, if an employee designates a percentage for each account, and does not indicate balance, a check will be issued.
Employee reimbursements for travel or other expenses will be paid on an ongoing basis and are not impacted by the payroll schedule. Employees will be reimbursed as expense reports are processed.
State-funded RAP reimbursements; honoraria; Critic Teachers