Hydration Hacks for College Students

Victor E. Bull holding a bottle of UB branded water.

Published April 9, 2024

College life is a whirlwind of lectures, study sessions, and late-night socializing – and amidst the chaos, staying hydrated often takes a back seat.

5 Tips to Keep You Refreshed Through Your Studies


Maintaining proper hydration is crucial for staying energized, focused, and ready to conquer your academic endeavors. As you navigate through the bustling years of college, here are five practical tips tailored to the college student lifestyle to keep you hydrated and thriving:


Take advantage of technology to monitor your hydration effortlessly. Utilize hydration apps such as WaterMinder and MyWater or opt for a smart water bottle like HidrateSpark, which syncs with your devices to provide reminders and track your water intake. Both WaterMinder and MyWater stand out for their intuitive interfaces, customizable hydration goals, and seamless integration with Apple Health.

If you're new to using smart water bottles, expect a user-friendly and personalized experience geared toward keeping you hydrated. For instance, HidrateSpark bottles feature LED lights that illuminate to remind you to drink water. These bottles offer additional features like personalized hydration goals, reminder notifications, and real-time hydration tracking, making them indispensable tools for maintaining optimal hydration levels.

clear glass water bottles with silver lids that have different slices of fruit soaking in them.

By incorporating technology into your hydration routine, you can transform the process into an engaging challenge and stay motivated to achieve your daily water intake goals.


Swap out disposable plastic bottles for stylish reusable ones. Not only do they keep you hydrated, but they also provide numerous benefits:

  1. Environmental Impact: Cut down on single-use plastic waste, aiding in environmental conservation.
  2. Cost Savings: Save money by avoiding regular purchases of bottled water.
  3. Convenience: Access water on the go without relying on disposable bottles or cups.
  4. Hygiene: Simple to clean, ensuring your drinking water is safe and clean.
  5. Temperature Control: Insulated options maintain beverage temperature for longer periods.
  6. Personalization: Available in various styles, colors, and designs to suit individual preferences.

By making this eco-friendly switch, you not only reduce waste but also ensure hydration is always at hand – whether you're headed to class or hitting the gym.


Elevate your snack game with hydrating foods that pack a nutritional punch. Stock up on water-rich fruits like watermelon, berries, and citrus fruits, or crunchy veggies like cucumber and carrots.

collage of various fruits and vegetables.
Here are some foods with high water content:
  1. Cucumber: Cucumber is composed of about 95% water, making it one of the most hydrating foods available.
  2. Lettuce (Iceberg): Iceberg lettuce contains approximately 95% water, making it a refreshing and hydrating addition to salads and sandwiches.
  3. Celery: Celery consists of about 95% water, providing hydration along with fiber and various nutrients.
  4. Radishes: Radishes have a water content of around 95%, offering a crunchy and hydrating snack option.
  5. Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain roughly 94% water, making them juicy and hydrating additions to salads, sandwiches, and sauces.
  6. Bell Peppers: Bell peppers are composed of approximately 92% water, adding hydration and vibrant color to dishes.
  7. Watermelon: Watermelon has a water content of about 91%, making it a refreshing and hydrating fruit option, especially during hot weather.
  8. Strawberries: Strawberries contain roughly 91% water, providing hydration along with antioxidants and vitamins.
  9. Spinach: Spinach consists of about 91% water, offering hydration along with iron, vitamins, and minerals.
  10. Broccoli: Broccoli has a water content of approximately 89%, providing hydration along with fiber and various nutrients.

These refreshing snacks not only satisfy your cravings but also contribute to your daily fluid intake, keeping you hydrated and fueled throughout the day.


College life is busy, and maintaining consistency with hydration is crucial. Here's how you can seamlessly integrate hydration into your daily routine:

  1. Morning Routine: Kickstart your day with a glass of water upon waking to rehydrate after sleep. Consider enhancing your water with a slice of lemon or cucumber for added flavor and hydration.
  2. Throughout the Day: Keep a reusable water bottle handy for classes, library sessions, or any campus activities. Set reminders to drink water regularly, whether it's every hour or between classes. Take periodic sips during lectures or study sessions to stay focused and alert.
  3. Mealtimes: Prior to each meal, hydrate by drinking a glass of water to aid digestion and curb overeating. Choose water or hydrating beverages like herbal tea over sugary drinks or excessive caffeine.
  4. Physical Activity: Hydrate before, during, and after workouts by consistently drinking water. Keep your water bottle nearby during exercise sessions for easy access during breaks or between sets.
  5. Evening Routine: Maintain hydration levels by having a glass of water before bedtime to prevent overnight dehydration. Consider keeping a water bottle bedside in case you wake up thirsty during the night.
two people drinking water in two different settings, one while working out, the other doing school work at a desk.

Additional Tips:

  • Stay attuned to signs of dehydration such as thirst, dark urine, fatigue, or headaches, and hydrate accordingly.
  • Experiment with various hydration strategies and tailor your routine to suit your individual needs and preferences.

Discover what works best for you and commit to it consistently – your body will thank you for the hydration boost!


It might not be the most glamorous topic, but paying attention to your urine color can provide valuable insights into your hydration status. Aim for a pale-yellow hue, which indicates that you're adequately hydrated. If your urine appears darker, it's a sign to up your water intake. Consider it a simple yet effective way to tune in to your body's hydration needs.

infographic with "5 Tips to Help You Stay Hydrated This Month".

Is It Possible to Drink Too Much Water?

Drinking too much water can lead to a condition known as water intoxication or hyponatremia. This happens when excessive water intake dilutes the sodium levels in your blood, disrupting cell function, including in the brain. When you consume large amounts of water in a short time, your kidneys struggle to expel it, exacerbating the imbalance. Symptoms can vary from mild to severe and may include nausea, vomiting, headaches, confusion, seizures, and in extreme cases, coma, or death.

While it's crucial to stay hydrated, especially during physical activity or in hot weather, it's equally important to heed your body's thirst signals and drink in moderation. Rather than forcing yourself to drink excessive amounts of water, it's best to drink when you're thirsty. If you experience symptoms of water intoxication or have concerns about your hydration levels, seek medical attention promptly.

Remember, as you journey through college, staying hydrated is essential for academic success. By following these hydration tips tailored to the college lifestyle, you'll have the energy and vitality needed to excel in your studies. So, keep your water bottle close, snack on hydrating foods, and prioritize hydration – your academic performance depends on it!