Timeliness of Notifications Policy (UBIT HIPAA)

Category: HIPAA Security
Responsible Office: UBIT HIPAA Compliance
Responsible Executive: Vice President and Chief Information Officer (VPCIO)
Approved By (Name/Title): J. Brice Bible, VPCIO

On this page:


CATEGORY: Notification in the Case of Breach of Unsecured Protected Health Information
Implementation Specification for Notification to Individuals
45 CFR 164.404 (b) Implementation Specification: Timeliness of Notification

The University at Buffalo Information Technology (UBIT) operates as a covered entity as defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights. HIPAA Regulation Text 45 CFR Part 164.404 requires a covered entity, following the discovery of a breach of unsecured PHI, to notify the appropriate individuals.


UBIT provides notification to individuals affected by a breach of unsecured ePHI without reasonable delay, and in no case later than 60 calendar days after the breach has been discovered, except as provided in 164.412 Law Enforcement Delay.


This policy applies to all UBIT workforce members.


Workforce members: Adhere to policies and procedures as written.

HIPAA Security and Privacy Officer: Ensures timely notification to individuals affected by a breach of unsecured ePHI.

Compliance Officer: Participates in ensuring the security of ePHI is effective and enforced, in conjunction with the HIPAA Security and Privacy Officer.

Contact Information

HIPAA Security and Privacy Officer
Website: http://www.buffalo.edu/ubit.html

Vice President and Chief Information Officer
J. Brice Bible
517 Capen Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
Phone: 716-645-7979
Email: vpcio@buffalo.edu
Website: http://www.buffalo.edu/ubit.html

Date Approved: 12/6/2017