Blue Services Terminology & FAQs

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Blue Services Terms and Definitions
Blue Services/iLab Term Description UB Equivalent Term
Core Facility / Shared Resource An entity that offers services or access to resources for customers. In iLab, each Core Facility / Shared Resource (Core, for short) has an online store-front that customers can use to identify the offerings available and directly order products/services. For core administrators and staff, iLab provides workflows to help deliver services, manage resources, complete billing and generate reports

Service Center

Shared Instrumentation Lab


A group of users, supervised/managed by a Principal Investigator and/or Lab/Group Managers (see below). In iLab, Labs/Groups are typically used as the primary way to organize access to Funds and manage financial approvals for purchases at Core Facilities

Principal Investigator (PI) Group

Cost Approver’s Group


Principal Investigator (PI)

Primary leader of a lab or group within iLab. Has certain rights to manage users in their lab/group and control financial access / approvals.

Principal Investigator (PI)

Cost Approver

Lab/Group Manager

Administrator of a lab or group, typically a delegate of the PI, with rights similar to the Principal Investigator. 

Principal Investigator (PI) Delegate

Research Administrator

Cost Approver

Lab/Group Member

Any member of a lab or group that does not have any special administrative rights.

Service Center Customer

Service Center User

Core Administrator

Managers of a Core Facility/Shared Resource, who have special permissions in iLab to modify the workflow of their core and the ability to generate billing events and reports. 

Service Center Manager

Core Member

Staff at a Core Facility/Shared Resource, with the ability to performs workflow functions (i.e. complete orders, deliver services, etc.) but without the administrative permission available to Core Administrators.

Service Center Staff

Core Customer

Not a role separate from the roles described above, but "Core Customer " describes any user of iLab that is in the process of ordering services or securing resources from a Core. 

Service Center Customer