All purchases are limited to official use and must be made in a reasonable, rational, cost effective manner. To be allowable and allocable, the purchase must be related to the program purpose or grant.
All pcard activity is subject to periodic audit to monitor compliance with policies and procedures governing this program. Improper use could lead to suspension of privileges.
Cardholders use a monthly transaction summary log sheet to record their activity and document the business purpose of the purchase. All original receipts and supporting documentation is kept with the summary log sheet.
Allowability will be established by Sponsored Projects Services and is specific to your project, task, award. All grant compliance questions should be directed to the Award Analyst in Sponsored Projects Services.
Templates are a collaboration of efforts between the PCard office and Sponsored Projects Services. Each time a new account is listed on a monthly summary or is indicated on a maintenance form, a template is assigned and sent to you.
During your initial training, when you get your RF PCard, you will receive a template of allowable items that you can purchase.
Restricted purchases are the same for all accounts and are included at the bottom of each template.
Do not share your card.
The Procurement Card Program is not intended to circumvent other required methods and processes. Splitting a single order into multiple orders to evade the transaction limit is contrary to guidelines and should not be done. Cardholders may be extended temporary transaction limit increases based upon need. Contact Procurement Card Administration for assistance.
Valerie Dennis
Asset Management, Card Programs and eProcurement
Financial Management
Phone: 716-645-2604
Email: vlb5@
Kevin Ragland
Procurement Card Administration, Financial Management
Phone: 716-645-1346