Diploma Name Guidance

Diplomas are printed using the legal name we have on file for each student. However, a student can request that their preferred/chosen first and middle name appears on their diploma.

Update a Student’s Legal Name

A student may update their legal name by completing the Name Change Form and attaching copies of approved documentation.

Request Proper Capitalization and/or Accent Marks for a Student’s Legal Name

To request accent marks and/or proper capitalization of a student’s name, contact the Office of the Registrar before the conferral date.

1Capen (North Campus), Buffalo, NY 14260-1631; 1Diefendorf (South Campus)

Phone: 716-645-5698; Fax: 716-645-7762

Email: ubregistrar@buffalo.edu

Request a Preferred / Chosen First and/or Middle Name on a Diploma

It is recommended that the name on the student’s diploma matches their official, legal name. However, a student may request a preferred/chosen first and/or middle name to be printed instead of their legal first and/or middle name.

How to Request a Preferred / Chosen First and/or Middle Name on a Diploma

In order for the paper and electronic diploma to be printed with a preferred or chosen name, a "preferred /Chosen Diploma Name" type must be added to the student's HUB Student Center record. This is necessary for future non-third-party verification to take place.

Students Must Contact the Registrar

Contact the Office of the Registrar in writing and include the student’s UB person number. All requests must be received prior to the conferral date.

1Capen (North Campus), Buffalo, NY 14260-1631; 1Diefendorf (South Campus)

Phone: 716-645-5698; Fax: 716-645-7762

Email: ubregistrar@buffalo.edu

About the Preferred / Chosen Name

  • Only first and middle preferred/chosen names will be considered. 
  • Last name must match the student’s legal last name.
  • Confirmation of the preferred diploma name is viewable as “Preferred/Chosen Diploma” name in the profile tile of the HUB Student Center.
  • If a student has a Preferred/Chosen Diploma name type in HUB, that name will be printed on all diplomas for the next conferral and beyond.

Request to Not Print a Preferred / Chosen Name on a Diploma

If a student no longer wants a preferred diploma name printed, they must request to remove their preferred/chosen diploma name before the conferral date by contacting the Office of the Registrar.

1Capen (North Campus), Buffalo, NY 14260-1631; 1Diefendorf (South Campus)

Phone: 716-645-5698; Fax: 716-645-7762

Email: ubregistrar@buffalo.edu

Change the Name on a Diploma After the Conferral Date

If a student wants to change their name on their diploma after their conferral date, they will be required to request and pay for a replacement diploma using the Additional Diploma Order Form.

Get Two Diplomas: One with Preferred / Chosen Name, One with Legal Name

If a student would like to have a diploma with their legal name and a diploma with their preferred/chosen name, they may request to purchase an additional diploma after their degree has been conferred and their initial diploma has been ordered.

Get a Certified Electronic Diploma with a Different Name

If a student only wants an additional certified electronic diploma with a different name, they may contact the Office of the Registrar and include the name they would like printed and their UB person number.

1Capen (North Campus), Buffalo, NY 14260-1631; 1Diefendorf (South Campus)

Phone: 716-645-5698; Fax: 716-645-7762

Email: ubregistrar@buffalo.edu

Things to Consider Before Electing to Use a Preferred/Chosen Name on a Diploma