Creating and Managing Rooms in Jabber Chat

Learn how to create rooms and manage members from Jabber.

Operating System: Windows, Macintosh

Applies to: UB faculty and staff

Last Updated: January 7, 2020

Create a Room

  1. Select the New Room button from the Rooms > All Rooms tab.
  2. Complete the following:
    • Enter a unique name for the room which identifies its purpose and ownership.
    • Enter a description, or topic, for the room. Moderators and Administrators may change this description later.
    • Choose a type for the room - either Public, where anyone can join this room, or Restricted where access is granted by administrator or moderators.
    • Choose Automatically Select from the Location box.
    • Search for and select up to 30 moderators to help manage this room. You can add more after the room has been created.
    • Add a password to the room if needed, to allow users to self-join when supplied with the password (Public Rooms) or further screen participants (Restricted).
  3. Click Create.

Managing room members

A room administrator/owner or moderator can manage room settings from within Cisco Jabber. 

Right-click on room members to remove them from the room, block them from the room, or mute their chat.

You cannot block or mute other moderators or administrators.

See also

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