Room Storage and Erasure in Jabber Chat

Learn about how chat room chat, files and images are stored and erased.

Operating System: Windows, Macintosh

Applies to: UB faculty and staff

Last Updated: November 27, 2019

Room Storage

  • Rooms store chat centrally for 30 days, before it is automatically erased.
  • Files and images shared are erased after 14 days.
  • Rooms messages are not stored in Exchange when "Save Chats to Exchange" is enabled.
  • Rooms which are idle for more than 30 days may be erased by systems administrators.

Room Encryption

Messages and data stored centrally from Rooms is stored unencrypted at rest. Refer to applicable Terms of Use or policies regarding transmission of data if in doubt that Jabber Rooms are the appropriate location for your communications.

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