Chat About a Topic with Rooms

Learn how to chat with others in Rooms, search and review Room history.

Operating System: Windows, Macintosh

Applies to: UB faculty and staff

Last Updated: November 10, 2021

About Rooms

Rooms are found under the Rooms icon on the Jabber Hub window 

As of Jabber 12.6, this icon indicates if you have unread messages, however, Rooms do not open automatically when you sign in to Jabber - you must open them yourself from the Rooms tab.

Rooms offer many features not available in Group Chats such as:

  • Room Topic
  • Access Control
  • History
  • Chat Filters

The Rooms Tab

My Rooms

  1. From the Rooms tab, three different display options are available, with the first being My Rooms. If you have joined any Rooms, you will see them in this list, along with any unread messages.
  2. Double click on the room to open it.


Filters allow you to set up keyword notifications which will alert you to messages in Rooms. Jabber contains a default filter for @ mentions, which will notify you when someone @s your name in a Room you're subscribed to.

You can add additional filters with up to three keywords each by clicking the New Filter button at the bottom of the display.

  • When your filter is triggered, Jabber will provide a popup toast to let you know the filter has been triggered, and as well you can review matches in this view by clicking on the filter itself to open a list of matches.
  • Filters match new messages, not previously sent messages.

All Rooms

See a list of all the rooms in the system, or create a new room, by using the All Rooms view.

  • Rooms which are public, or that you've been added to display a Join button.
  • Others display a lock symbol. To access a locked room, the room owner or a room moderator must invite you in.

Using Rooms

  1. Join the room from the My Rooms list, or the All Rooms list if you aren't currently a member of the room.
  2. Rooms open in the Conversations window when you open them, but do not re-open automatically when you start Jabber.
  3. Use the message area of the room to send messages to the other room members. You can attach files, add emoji, or @ mention room members just as you would in a 1:1 or group chat.
  4. Rooms also offer you the ability to click the green phone button to communicate with room members.
  5. Up to 6 persons may be joined to an ad-hoc conference by clicking the green phone button next to each person's name to join them to the call.

Searching Rooms

Searching Rooms in Jabber 12.7.1

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon in the tray at the top of the conversation window.
  2. Enter your search terms and press Search to open a results window.
  3. Double-click on a result or click the door icon to view the message in context in room history.

Searching Rooms in Jabber 12.9

To search, use the search box at the top of the Rooms tab.

Reviewing History

  1. Scroll up to load more messages from a room history.
  2. Jabber only receives so many messages from the server at a time. If more are available, Show More will appear at the top of the conversation. Click this icon to retrieve more history.
  3. Scroll back down and Show More to return to current chat, or close and re-open the room.
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