Laboratory Moves or Closures

University Facilities has developed a process to assist research departments with a safe and efficient process for decommissioning laboratory spaces. This process should be followed whenever the Principal Investigator vacates a laboratory due to retirement, relocation, resignation, or similar reasons. It also applies when a lab space has been vacated for an extended period or will be temporarily vacated for significant remodeling and renovation. This process does not include the steps needed for the new occupant to start the lab. 

Updated 11/26/2024

Lab Move and Closure Process

The responsibilities of the Principal Investigator or designated party outlined in this process take approximately 6-8 weeks to complete. During this time, it is recommended that active research be temporarily postponed for groups that are relocating. Recycling electronics and laboratory equipment may take several weeks or months for Facilities Moving and Recycling to complete. Customer Service can be contacted for an estimated timeline for equipment disposal at 716-645-2025.  An outside contractor may be available to expedite equipment disposal at the department's cost. The Laboratory Facility Release Procedure can be referenced for additional information and detailed steps for decontamination of laboratory equipment. 


  1. Complete and submit the Lab Closure or Move Notification form to EH&S
  2. EH&S will meet with the laboratory representative to confirm the types and quantities of hazardous materials and equipment used in the space (Radiation, Chemicals, Biological, etc.)
  3. The laboratory personnel will be responsible for providing an inventory to EH&S of all hazardous materials designated to be moved.  The designee is also responsible for the disposal of the remaining hazardous materials through the appropriate avenues. 
  4. All lab equipment and lab fixtures that may be contaminated with hazardous materials, including but not limited to countertops, cabinets, fume hoods, chemical storage areas, cold rooms, etc., must be appropriately decontaminated and have a Laboratory Equipment Release Certification form (EC-3) affixed, signaling it can be moved or disposed. EH&S can be contacted to guide appropriate decontamination methods for various equipment and fixtures. 
  5. All remaining lab equipment must also be tagged with the Laboratory Equipment Release Certification form (EC-3), noting that it was never in contact with hazardous materials.  Lab fixtures, including countertops, cabinets, storage areas, etc. that were never in contact with hazardous materials do not need to have the EC-3 form attached. 
  6. The Principal Investigator or designated representative must complete and submit the UB Disposal Form to Facilities Customer Service for generating a Work Order.  The form must also be sent to Asset Management for financial tracking.  Consult with your department to ensure that internal asset management procedures are followed.  Following submission of the proper forms, the PI or lab representative will then complete and post the exterior lab door(s) with the Laboratory Facility Release Certification (LC-1). 
  7. FPMO or designee will submit a Multiple Trade Work Order for remaining Facilities services.  An account number must be provided for specialized services including the potential for an outside contractor.  The completed Laboratory Facility Release Certification (LC-1) must be attached to the Work Order request.  A quote will be provided prior to any billable services being performed. 
  8. A representative from Campus Planning will schedule a walkthrough following the completion of the Multiple Trade Work Order.  A designee from the unit will need to be present for the final walkthrough to ensure the space is in acceptable condition for the new occupant. 
  9. The Laboratory Facility Release Certification (LC-1) will remain on the door until the lab is reassigned.  EH&S will continue to inspect unassigned labs annually.

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Environment, Health & Safety

Service Building, 220 Winspear Ave.

Phone: 716-829-3301
