Building partnerships through collaboration.
Environmental Health & Safety Assistant (EHSA) is a web-based app that allows Principal Investigators and laboratory workers to maintain a chemical inventory, track the training of individuals in the lab, request a pickup of hazardous waste and more.
Only previously authorized users can access EHSA
Go step-by-step through the process on how to upload your current chemical inventory and then maintain a inventory for your lab.
Building Name | Building Code |
220 Winspear | 220 WIN |
Abbot Hall | ABBOT |
Allen Hall | ALLEN |
Alumni Arena | ALUMNI |
Baldy Hall | BALDY |
Beane Center | BEANE |
Biomedical Education Building | BEB |
Bell Hall | BELL |
Bissell Hall | BISSELL |
Buffalo Materials Research Center | BMRC |
Bonner Hall | BONNER |
Biomedical Research Building | BRB |
Capen Hall | CAPEN |
Cary Hall | CARY |
COE in Bioinformatics & Life Sciences | CBLS |
Center for the Arts | CFA |
Computing Center | CIT |
Clemens Hall | CLEMENS |
Cooke Hall | COOKE |
Crofts Hall | CROFTS |
Clinical and Translational Research Center | CTRC |
Baker Chilled Water Plant | CWP |
Davis Hall | DAV |
Dental Clinic Trailer | DCT |
Dorsheimer Greenhouse | DG |
Farber Annex | FANNEX |
Farber Hall | FARBER |
Fargo Quadrangle | FARGO |
Foster Hall | FOSTER |
Fronczak Hall | FRONCZAK |
Furnas Hall | FURNAS |
Harriman Hall | HARRIMAN |
Hayes Hall | HAYES |
Hayes Annex B | HAYES B |
Helm Building | HELM |
Hochstetter Hall | HOCH |
Howe Research Building | HOWE |
Jarvis Hall | JARVIS |
JSMBS Building | JSMBS |
Ketter Hall | KETTER |
Kimball Tower | KIMBALL |
Lockwood Library | LOCKWOOD |
Millard Fillmore Academic Center | MFAC |
Michael Hall | MICHAEL |
Buffalo General Hospital Multi-Lab | ML |
Natural Science Complex | NSC |
Park Hall | PARK |
Parker Hall | PARKER |
Pharmacy Building | PHARM |
Porter Quadrangle | PORTER |
Red Jacket Quadrangle | REDJACKET |
Research Insitute on Addictions | RIA |
Service Building | SERVICE |
Sherman Annex | SHERANNEX |
Sherman Hall | SHERMAN |
Spaulding Quadrangle | SPAUD |
Squire Hall | SQUIRE |
Student Union | STUDUNION |
Talbert Hall | TALBERT |
465 Washington Street | WASH |
Wilkeson Quadrangle | WILKESON |
Environment, Health & Safety