Recording and sharing Zoom meetings

Learn how to save Zoom meeting recordings to the Zoom Cloud, UB Panopto or your hard drive, and how to share recordings to UB Learns and elsewhere.

Recording a Zoom meeting


  1. On the Zoom toolbar click the Record button
  2. From the pop-up menu, choose either:
    • Record on this Computer - Saves a file in mp4 format on your computer's hard drive
    • Record to the Cloud - Saves a file to the Zoom cloud and Panopto* 
      • Meeting recordings on Zoom and Panopto are private until you share them.
      • Editing the security settings or any other attributes of the recording on one platform does not affect the other

* In order to take advantage of saving Zoom cloud recordings to Panopto, you must have logged into your UB Panopto account at least once before starting a Zoom cloud recording. Any new Zoom cloud recordings will then be copied to UB PanoptoMy Folder > Meeting Recordings.

A recording will process once the meeting ends. Longer recordings will take longer to process. You will receive a confirmation email when your recordings are ready online.

Automatic deletion of Zoom cloud recordings

Zoom cloud recordings are moved to the trash after 180 days. Recordings remain in the trash for 30 days at which time they are permanently removed. You will receive a warning seven days before your recording is permanently deleted from the trash.

If you set up Panopto as described above, copies of your Zoom cloud recordings will remain intact in Panopto even after deletion from Zoom.

Sharing options

Do not publicly share videos containing restricted or sensitive information.

Share to UB Learns

Your UB Zoom cloud recordings can be shared to your UB Learns course through Panopto. See Panopto and UB Learns >

Share from Panopto

Share from the Zoom Cloud

Share with the UB community

  1. Log into the UB Zoom web portal:
  2. Click Recordings on the left-hand side
  3. Click the Share button next to the recording you want to share
  4. Under Who can view, choose Signed-in users in my account. Viewers will be required to sign in with a UBITName and password (recommended)
  5. Click Copy to copy the shareable link
  6. Paste the contents of your clipboard into an email or other platform for sharing. 

Share with People outside UB

  1. Log into the UB Zoom web portal:
  2. Click Recordings on the left-hand side
  3. Click the Share button next to the recording you want to share
  4. Under Who can view choose Everyone with the recording link
  5. We recommend adding a passcode to recordings shared this way:
    • Go to Share settings and enter a Passcode
  6. Click Copy to copy the shareable link
  7. Paste the contents of your clipboard into an email or other platform for sharing. 

Common questions

Where do I find my Zoom cloud recordings?

Log into the Zoom portal and click Recordings.

Where do I find recordings saved to my computer?

Zoom refers to these as local recordings.

By default, local recordings will be placed in the following directory:

  • Windows: C:\Users\[Username]\Documents\Zoom
  • Mac: /Users/[Username]/Documents/Zoom
  • Linux: home/[Username]/Documents/Zoom

See finding and viewing local recordings for more details.

Where do I find my Zoom cloud recordings that were copied to Panopto?

Log into UB Panopto, click My Folder > Meeting Recordings

Can I save recordings to UBbox?

Yes! Install the Box for Zoom plugin, then see Using the Launch Zoom from Box integration for more information.

See also

Need help? Contact the UBIT Help Center or your departmental IT support.