Learn how to schedule Zoom meetings from a variety of applications. Install the plug-in or extension appropriate to the application(s) you use.
See instructions for adding and using Zoom in UB Learns.
Enter a specific name for your meeting or course session
Recurring Meetings
You must have at least one security option selected: passcode, waiting room, or only authenticated users can join meetings
Enable Join before host or Allow participants to join X minutes before start time: uncheck this box if you plan to record automatically or use pre-assigned breakout rooms.
Allow host to save video order: you can re-order the gallery view of your class. When this option is selected, you will be able to save a custom arrangement.
Hosts and Co-Hosts:
Breakout Room pre-assign
Enable focus mode when meeting starts: in focus mode students will hear anyone that is un-muted, but they will only see video of the host, co-hosts, and anyone you spotlight. They will not see other students’ video, only names and nonverbal reactions.
Record the meeting automatically: Check this box if you want the class or meeting to be automatically recorded. Choose In the cloud
Personal Meeting Rooms are great for small informal meetings with staff and colleagues at UB. They are not good for larger more formal meetings, online class sessions or anytime you are meeting with someone outside the UB community. You should always schedule a meeting when the meeting is for a course, is a formal department meeting or if your meeting includes anyone from outside of UB.
You can do this in two ways:
One person can schedule the meeting and add the others as alternate hosts.
It is possible for the person who scheduled that meeting to start and host a second meeting while an alternate host starts the shared meeting. See Hosting multiple meetings simultaneously
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