Upcoming Campus Commute Survey

Attention sign, a yellow triangle with exclamation point inside.

Published July 8, 2024


On July 9, a survey titled "Commute Survey: How do you get to campus?" will go out to all faculty and staff members from Parking and Transportation Services. This survey will be active through July 30.

UB Parking and Transportation Services will be gathering feedback on how faculty and staff commute to campus—one of the University’s biggest sources of climate emissions. This input will be used to inform decisions that impact our climate action strategy and will provide key information to assist the university in our annual climate footprint assessment and reporting.

The purpose of this survey is to improve our transportation policies and practices  while working towards decreasing our climate emissions. Your feedback is invaluable and greatly appreciated! Once you receive the email, please take a few minutes to fill out our Campus Commute Survey.

Contact For Help or Questions

Customer Service Walk-in Center
North Campus
Monday — Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Administrative Offices
106 Spaulding Quadrangle
North Campus
Tel: 716-645-3943
Email: parking@buffalo.edu
Email: transportation@buffalo.edu