A special form is required for environmental health and safety requests.
On the ShopBlue shopping home page, in the "Special Requests" section, select the EH&S form request (Figure 1).
Figure 1
In the upper right-hand corner of the form, in the “Supplier Information” section, you can either enter your supplier’s name if you already know it or click the “Magnifying Glass” to search for a supplier (Figure 2 and 3).
Note: if you correctly type the supplier's name into the search, it will show up beneath the search box and be available to select. If you need to enter a new supplier, search “New Supplier” in the supplier search and then press “Select” to the right of the New Supplier result.
Next, you will select the Fulfillment Center you wish to have your purchase billed to. A preferred fulfillment center should automatically populate the “Fulfillment Address” (Figure 4). If you need to change the Fulfillment Address, click “Select different fulfillment center”.
A list will open in a new window. Press “Select” to choose a new Fulfillment Address (Figure 5).
Note: fulfillment centers with an “030” prefix are for RF accounts; fulfillment centers with an “S” or “MAINCHECK” prefix are for state accounts only.
In the “EH&S Category” section, check the box that corresponds with the request, and enter the date it will be needed by (you can either type in the date in the mm/dd/yyyy format, or click on the calendar icon and select the date) (Figure 6).
In the “Internal Notes & Attachments” section, you may attach any quotes, emails for approval, information on how to process, etc. (Figure 7).
In the “Item Details” sections, complete the fields prompted. Enter in the unit price, quantity, and product description. Make sure that the product description contains all pertinent details, such as a Catalog Number and proper description of the item (Figure 8).
In the bottom right, in the “External Documentation” section, you can attach any files that should be sent to the supplier for special instructions or notice (Figure 9).
At the top right of the form, to complete the form, make sure “Complete Form and Go to Cart” when completed (Figure 10).
Next, you will be brought back to your shopping cart, where you can “Proceed to Checkout”, or “Assign Cart”, among other options (Figure 11).
You would then proceed as you would with any other requisition.