Find tools and resources for hiring managers to guide you through the recruitment process in support of the university's mission to create a more diverse and inclusive culture.
Determine who participates in the search process and plan what their role will be in the search. The actual assignment of roles and responsibilities should be defined at the initial planning meeting. One person could serve in multiple roles.
Department Head
Search Committee Chair
Hiring Manager
Search Contact
HR Recruitment Specialist
A thoughtful, intentional search plan is key to finding the best candidates. A great way to plan your search is using reverse order to plan the timeline for your recruitment. Start with the date you want your candidate to begin working and work backwards including all key milestones the search will require.
Keep in mind that the minimum posting period for each position type is predefined. Use the posting periods below and the key milestones of the search to develop a timeline.
Position | Minimum Posting Length |
Competitive classified | 10 calendar days |
Noncompetitive/ labor classified | 15 calendar days |
UUP faculty | 20 business days. HR will posting open until filled unless otherwise specified by the department |
UUP professional | Internal for 15 calendar days and external for 30 calendar days |
M/C professional | 30 calendar days |
Research Foundation | 14 calendar days |
UB Foundations Activities | 15 calendar days |
Request to post your position for a longer period of time during the posting meeting.
End of Internal Posting Period: If an internal candidate is identified before the end of the internal posting period, the external posting period can be canceled. The end of the internal posting period is the last day to cancel the external posting period.
End of External Posting Period: At the end of the external posting period, the search committee should decide whether the applicant pool is sufficient or if additional outreach is needed.
Interviews: The search committee can begin interviewing immediately after the position is posted. Starting interviews right away will help minimize the time spent interviewing candidates and can help shorten the posting timeline.
Recommendation for Hire: After the search committee has interviewed candidates, they must deliberate and decide who they would like to recommend for hire.
Hiring Proposal Submission: Once a recommendation has been made, the hiring manager will need to submit a hiring proposal for approval in UB Jobs.
Hiring Proposal Approval: An offer of employment can only be extended after the hiring proposal has been approved. Once the hiring proposal has been approved, the department can contact the candidate to offer the job.
Offer Accepted: When the candidate has accepted the offer, the department can coordinate a start date and begin making onboarding preparations.
Date to be Filled: The date to be filled is the start date for the candidate who has accepted the position.
Market data can help make effective decisions when determining salary. Market data at UB includes:
You must submit a position description request in UB Jobs in order to receive a salary analysis. Human Resources will not provide salary data for positions sent through email.
UB strives to deliver fair and competitive compensation that enables the university to attract, retain, and engage highly qualified faculty, researchers and staff with the expertise and skills to serve the mission of UB.
Learn more about the requirements for posting salary information.
Position Type | Salary is Requirement |
Research Foundation | Required |
State Classified | Required |
State Faculty | Not Required |
State Professional | Not Required |
University Affiliates | Required |
The position summary is the applicant-facing preview of your job. The position summary is a marketing tool and should not be a job description. The first sentence or 300 characters is critical to draw an applicant’s interest to want to learn more about your position.
When writing a position summary, it is important to create a summary that markets the job effectively and is welcoming to applicants from all backgrounds. In an increasingly competitive market, it is key to keep position summaries brief with broad qualifications to ensure a broad and diverse applicant pool can be considered. When crafting your position summary, consider the following:
Minimum and preferred qualifications play a huge role in developing a pool of qualified applicants to consider. It is important to understand that narrow qualifications can unintentionally limit the diversity of your applicant pool. When defining qualifications, be sure to:
Consider using some of the statements below as a guide to craft a statement that demonstrates the university’s commitment to diversity and encourages applicants that diversify our workforce to apply. Ideally, a diversity statement should be thoughtfully developed by the department to reflect their own values.
Choose statements to market the university and benefits associated with the position type in your posting. Options available:
Once selected, Copy and paste the selected language into your UB Jobs posting.
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About the University at Buffalo
The University at Buffalo (UB) #ubuffalo is one of America’s leading public research universities and a flagship of the State University of New York system, recognized for our excellence and our impact. UB is a premier, research-intensive public university dedicated to academic excellence. Our research, creative activity and people positively impact the world. Like the city we call home, UB is distinguished by a culture of resilient optimism, resourceful thinking and pragmatic dreaming that enables us to reach others every day. Visit our website to learn more about the University at Buffalo.
Outstanding Benefits Package
Working at UB comes with benefits that exceed salary alone. There are personal rewards including comprehensive health and retirement plan options. We also focus on creating and sustaining a healthy mix of work, personal and academic pursuit - all in an effort to support your work-life effectiveness. We support your growth and development through our career coaching and training department and we qualify as a public service loan forgiveness organization. Learn more about the great benefits the University at Buffalo has to offer.
Outstanding Benefits Package
Working at UB comes with benefits that exceed salary alone. There are personal rewards including comprehensive health and retirement plan options. We also focus on creating and sustaining a healthy mix of work, personal and academic pursuit - all in an effort to support your work-life effectiveness. We support your growth and development through our career coaching and training department and we qualify as a public service loan forgiveness organization. Learn more about the great benefits the University at Buffalo has to offer.
Outstanding Benefits Package
Working at UB comes with benefits that exceed salary alone. There are personal rewards including comprehensive health and retirement plan options. We also focus on creating and sustaining a healthy mix of work, personal and academic pursuit - all in an effort to support your work-life effectiveness. We support your growth and development through our career coaching and training department and we qualify as a public service loan forgiveness organization. Learn more about the great benefits the University at Buffalo has to offer.
Outstanding Benefits Package
Working at UB comes with benefits that exceed salary alone. There are personal rewards including comprehensive health and retirement plan options. We also focus on creating and sustaining a healthy mix of work, personal and academic pursuit - all in an effort to support your work-life effectiveness. We support your growth and development through our career coaching and training department and we qualify as a public service loan forgiveness organization. Learn more about the great benefits the University at Buffalo has to offer.
Outstanding Benefits Package
Working at UB comes with benefits that exceed salary alone. There are personal rewards including comprehensive health and retirement plan options. We also focus on creating and sustaining a healthy mix of work, personal and academic pursuit - all in an effort to support your work-life effectiveness. We support your growth and development through our career coaching and training department and we qualify as a public service loan forgiveness organization. Learn more about the great benefits the University at Buffalo has to offer.
Outstanding Benefits Package
Working at UB comes with benefits that exceed salary alone. There are personal rewards including comprehensive health and retirement plan options. We also focus on creating and sustaining a healthy mix of work, personal and academic pursuit - all in an effort to support your work-life effectiveness. We support your growth and development through our career coaching and training department and we qualify as a public service loan forgiveness organization. Learn more about the great benefits the University at Buffalo has to offer.
Outstanding Benefits Package
Working at UB comes with benefits that exceed salary alone. There are personal rewards including comprehensive health and retirement plan options. We also focus on creating and sustaining a healthy mix of work, personal and academic pursuit - all in an effort to support your work-life effectiveness. We support your growth and development through our career coaching and training department and we qualify as a public service loan forgiveness organization. Learn more about the great benefits the University at Buffalo has to offer.
Outstanding Benefits Package
Working at UB comes with benefits that exceed salary alone. There are personal rewards including comprehensive health and retirement plan options. We also focus on creating and sustaining a healthy mix of work, personal and academic pursuit - all in an effort to support your work-life effectiveness. We support your growth and development through our career coaching and training department and we qualify as a public service loan forgiveness organization. Learn more about the great benefits the University at Buffalo has to offer.
Determine where advertisements for the posting will be placed. Utilize a variety of print or web advertising and listservs to reach the largest possible applicant pool.
JobElephant is the university's contractor to market vacancy announcements. JobElephant serves as our one-stop marketing source to meet your posting and advertising needs.
The university’s affirmative action statement is required on all postings. Be sure to include one of the following statements on all external advertisements:
“University at Buffalo is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and, in keeping with our commitment, welcomes all to apply including veterans and individuals with disabilities.”
- Or -
"As an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action employer, the Research Foundation will not discriminate in its employment practices due to an applicant’s race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin and veteran or disability status."
Sharing a posting announcment through a listserv is an advertisement and should include the university's affirmative action statement.
The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) has compiled a table of local census data by profession that can be used to determine what your applicant pool should look like.
A search committee is responsible for advertising a posting, reviewing all applicant materials and recommending the best candidate to fill a vacancy.
Committee should be composed of at least three individuals with both women and minority representation (not the same person).
Look for key characteristics when identifying search committee members:
Value employees that take on a search committee role by:
Information should be shared by the search committee strictly on a need-to-know basis.
The details related to the search must be kept strictly confidential including:
Search committee training is key to getting the search committee ready to interview candidates effectively. Have the search committee complete these trainings as part of their preparation for the search.
In addition to search committee trainings, search committee members should familiarize themselves with university policies as well as federal and state laws related to recruitment and employment.
The Recruitment Specialist assigned to your position will act as your project manager, delivering HR services as required throughout the search process.
After a position description has been approved in UB Jobs, you will need to schedule a posting meeting with a member of our recruitment team using the form below. At this meeting, one of our recruitment specialists will help you finalize your search plan and identify tools that may be useful for your search. Some of the features available in UB Jobs are outlined on the page below.
There are many tools available in UB Jobs to make your search easier. Consider the following points when planning how you will use UB Jobs:
Supplemental questions are questions that applicants must answer when completing their online application.
You can identify which documents are required and/or optional for applicants to submit.
UB Jobs can be a useful tool for collecting references from applicants. There are several different ways to collect references.
At the posting meeting, a member of our recruitment team will discuss all aspects related to the planning of your posting. At the time of meeting, you will need to know:
It is at the discretion of the department to determine who needs to attend the posting meeting. To plan the search as effectively as possible, participants in the meeting should:
“Pooled postings” are utilized for positions that are frequently recruited for and require an easily accessible “pool” of candidates. Follow the steps below to use a pooled posting.
Submit a position description request in UB Jobs. Be sure to include in the notes section that you will be using the pooled posting.
After the position description has been approved, you will be added as a hiring manager on the pooled posting. At this time you can review the pool or, using the quicklink for posting, invite candidates to apply to the pool.
Move the candidate you would like to hire to the status of “recommend for hire”. When using the pooled posting, you will need to scroll down and select the position description you submitted in step 1 before starting the hiring proposal. If you select the generic pooled posting description instead, your hiring proposal will need to be canceled.
Review the department listed on the hiring proposal prior to submitting it. The department listed should match the department where the person will be working. If the department is listed as “The University at Buffalo”, you can correct this by clicking on the “settings” tab.
Check the hiring manager with access field to be sure you are listed. As hiring manager, you can monitor the progression of approvals and receive system notifications related to the hiring proposal.
After the hiring proposal has been approved, you can make the offer to the candidate. If the candidate accepts the offer, the final step in UB Jobs is updating the hiring proposal to “offer accepted – initiate background check”. DO NOT update the status of other applicants in the pool.
Human Resources maintains pooled postings for the following commonly used Research Foundation titles:
RF pooled postings are continuous recruitment efforts and are reposted annually. The minimum posting period for the pooled postings has already been fulfilled so you can submit a hiring proposal as soon as a candidate has been identified.
Communication throughout the search process with your applicants is critical. Learn about the tools available through HR and UB Jobs to help you identify key contact information for applicants.
Use an applicant list to make communication of applicant updates between you and your search committee easier. The tool provides step by step instruction about how to populate the applicant information as well as a worksheet for search committee members to update an applicant's status.
Applicants appreciate timely communication about their application status. You and the search committee should update applicant statuses as soon as a candidate is not under consideration for a posting.
For competitive classified positions, HR provides list eligible candidates who have taken the civil service exam and are reachable based on their score. Applicants can also apply for transfer, reassignment, or reinstatement.
HR canvasses positions by title for the entire university. Based on the responses, HR determines who is eligible for consideration and copies these candidates into open postings for that title.
Applicants who apply directly to the posting must fit into one of the following categories to be considered:
Transfer: Transfer applicants must have a current permanent appointment with a minimum of 1 year of service in a position of the same or transferable title. This includes applicants who are applying from outside of UB but work in the same title at a different state agency.
Reassignment: Reassignment applicants must hold the same title at UB. This includes applicants working at UB in a different department under the same title. There is no minimum length of time a person must work in order to be reassignment eligible.
Reinstatement: Reinstatement applicants are former state employees requesting to return to a title they used to work in (or a transferable title). This includes applicants who used to hold a state appointment but have separate from state service.
Human Resources can review these candidates to check for title eligibility requirements before making them available to the search committee for review. Please get in touch with your HR Recruitment Specialist if you would like HR to review candidates for a competitive classified posting.
Applicants who apply for transfer, reassignment, or reinstatement must have their final eligibility confirmed by Civil Service before a hiring proposal can be approved.
At the conclusion of a search, the search committee will need you to submit a hiring proposal for the candidate recommended for hire.
An offer of employment cannot be sent out to a candidate until all approvals have been obtained.
Prepare and submit your hiring proposal:
Approvers in the UB Jobs system will need to submit a hiring proposal for approval by Human Resources before an offer of employment can be extended.
At the end of a search, ensure that all applicant statuses have been updated so there are no remaining active applicants. Be sure to communicate with seriously considered candidates with a personal letter or a phone call that includes an appreciation of their talents and interests in the University at Buffalo. Once all of the applicants have been coded correctly in UB Jobs, your HR Recruitment Specialist will mark the posting as filled.
A posting may go unfilled for the following reasons:
To cancel your posting:
You may need to repost a job to either:
To repost your posting send your HR recruitment specialist an email and include in your message:
HR will notify you when your posting has been reposted.
UB Jobs Support Staff
Phone: 716-645-5627
Email: UB-Jobs@
Nayema Chowdhury
Workforce Recruitment Specialist
Workforce Planning and Recruitment
Anthony Grieco
Workforce Recruitment Specialist
Workforce Planning and Recruitment
Shannon Hourigan
Recruitment Coordinator
Workforce Planning and Recruitment
Lauren Merletti
Workforce Recruitment Specialist
Workforce Planning and Recruitment
Disha Patel
Workforce Recruitment Specialist
Workforce Planning and Recruitment
Mary Jo Serafini
Regional Director, Upstate New York HERC and Recruitment Specialist
Workforce Planning and Recruitment