When checking out, you can enter multiple accounting codes by purchase requisition.
When you have completed shopping and are ready to check out, Proceed to Checkout from your shopping cart. (Figure 1).
In the Summary tab, scroll down to the Accounting Codes section. Select the Pencil icon. Choose UBF - UB Foundation - Remember to Change the Bill To Address. (Figure 2).
Once in UBF-fund section, select the Plus Sign. (Figure 3).
Note: you may need to scroll down to locate the UB foundation section. You can select the “Plus sign” button additional times to add additional accounts.
Enter the appropriate accounting code and information for that line by inputting the account. You will have multiple lines in which you can enter multiple accounting codes (Figure 4).
Note: you cannot mix funding sources on one purchase requisition.
Once all accounting codes have been entered, choose the way in which to split the cost between accounts from the dropdown menu.(Figure 5).
Note: move the taskbar all the way to the right and select the appropriate way this line should be split “% of Price” or “% of quantity”. Then input the distribution value.
After you choose how to split the cost between accounts, enter the desired quantity for each amount. You can then select “Save” to finish (Figure 6).
Note: The Split Total must equal 100%.
After you’ve entered the accounting codes and split method, you are ready to place your order. Notice the accounting source is UBF and the split of the accounting codes are below in the UB Foundation section (Figure 7).