Purchase Order Owner Reassignment in ShopBlue

Staff, particularly Department Heads, use this form to request reassignment of ownership for Purchase Orders (POs) from one (1) owner to one or more new owners.  Reassignment can be made to owners in the same or one additional VP or Decanal unit.

When a person leaves their department or UB, the Purchase Orders and Requisitions assigned to them may still need to be tracked and managed. Reassigning the Purchase Order will provide another person access to the order and allow the newly selected owner to receive the related notifications. 


  1. Enter information for reassignment of POs
  2. A request will be sent to the appropriate staff for approval of the request:
    1. Approvers for Purchase Orders staying in the same VP/Decanal unit will need approval from either Department Heads, Chairs, Directors, unit heads, or lastly UBOs.
    2. Approvers for Purchase Orders going to different VP/Decanals units, will need dual approval from the local UBO and the reassigned UBO. Please note, the form will be individually sent to each UBO
  3. On approval by the necessary parties, ShopBlue Support will notify all  parties, including original and new PO owners

Need Help Completing the Form?

For help using ShopBlue e-procurement system, contact:

ShopBlue System Support

Phone: 716-645-4500

Email: UBS-ShopBlue-Support@buffalo.edu

Form Facts

Form Type: HTML

Requirements: Web browser

Updated: 10/10/2023

Owner: Business Services