Together, we are determined to persevere.
The COVID-19 pandemic may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety can be overwhelming in both adults and children. To assist you in coping with stress, Human Resources has compiled resources containing helpful advice and tools to guide you while working at UB.
We know parents are struggling to balance work and child care while keeping worries — both your children’s and your own — under control. Learn more about the leave benefits and resources available.
State Employees
Guidance for state employees has recently been released due to Federal and State law changes resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic Download pdf. The newly enacted laws provide for up to two weeks of paid sick leave if an employee is unable to work or work from home for one of these qualifying reasons:
However, if you and your supervisor agree that you will work your normal number of hours, but outside of your normally scheduled hours (for instance early in the morning or late at night), then you are considered able to work and leave is not necessary unless a COVID-19 qualifying reason prevents you from working that schedule.
State employees who may need to use paid sick leave due to COVID-19 or who have questions about this guidance should reach out to HR at or call (716)-645-7777 and ask to speak with a state benefits expert.
Research Foundation
The Research Foundation (RF) has shared a document containing answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) for RF employeesin relation to time and attendance, benefits, communication, payroll and procurement during the COVID-19 pandemic. The FAQs are designed to help answer questions and concerns that RF employees at UB may have, and address issues that come up in the immediate future. The RF also shared specific instructions for how employees who are out for reasons related to COVID-19 should charge their time. RF employees should contact UB Human Resources for questions or clarifications about any of the HR-related FAQs, or their Travel or Procurement contact person for information related to those specific areas.
NYS Paid Family Leave
The purpose of Paid Family Leave (PFL) is to help employees with work-life balance by providing a paid leave alternative to charging paid leave accrualsfor leaves of absence to attend to family needs associated with:
Early Childhood Research Center (ECRC) is currently closed until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They continue to assess the situation and will contact families when they plan to reopen.
The University at Buffalo Child Care Center, Inc. (UBCCC) consists of two child care sites located at UB’s North Campus and South Campus of the University at Buffalo (UB). The sites, which are licensed by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (NYS OCFS), are designed to serve children of UB students, faculty, staff and the community. They are expected to reopen on 7/15/2020.
Call the Child Care Resource Network (CCRN) referral Line at (716) 877-6666 ext. 3064, or toll-free at 1-866-281-4739 Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. You’ll be able to speak one-on-one with a Child Care Navigator who will send lists of child care providers that match your needs, as well as answer any questions you may have.
The Parent Network of WNY provides education and resources for families of individuals with special needs (birth through adulthood) and for professionals.
The Family Justice Center provides free services for domestic violence victims and their children through an extensive collaboration with several partner agencies, all located at one secured, comfortable location, where victims can get all the services they need to safely escape abuse.
The Family Caregiver Alliance is a national center on caregiving that seeks to improve the quality of life for caregivers through education, services, research, and advocacy. To contact by phone: 1-800-445-8106.
The ECRC shares daily activities led by center staff on their Facebook page, including a daily storytime and additional activities geared to kids age 6 and under.
Enjoy these videos of kids yoga classes structured very similarly to the format of the class Miss Lindsay led for UB's Take Your Kids to Work Day event.
Erie County Department of Senior Services (For people 60 and over they provide home care services, adult day care, long term living assistance, food assistance, housing/rental assistance, caregiver resource center including caregiver support groups, etc.)
A 6-week educational program designed to provide caregivers with the tools they need to take care of themselves while caring for their loved one. Classes are offered once a week for six weeks, with each session lasting either 2 ½ hours or 1 ½ hours. Class dates will be added when they are added to the schedule.
Taking care of your friends and your family is important, but it should be balanced with care for yourself. Everyone can benefit from social support and even virtual classes or meetings can help maintain social connections and help alleviate feelings of isolation.
To accommodate the many UB employees who are now working remotely, HR is offering a schedule of virtual wellness and professional development learning opportunities. All offerings are free and open to all UB employees and the community.
As part of our HR Virtual Programs, join us every Tuesday for a 20-minute guided meditation session to restore your body, reduce your stress and calm your mind so you can perform at your best.
NYS EAP has compiled a list of resources and agencies to assist employees with a variety of concerns.
Learn more about the benefits of self-care and how you can apply it to your everyday life.
The Self-Care Starter Kit℠ was initially developed for UB Social Work students, but it is our hope that these resources will be useful for employees. Although the information does not address all that goes into developing the skills of self-care, it does begin the journey.
SUNY has created this listing of links to health insurance, nutrition and weight loss, and other health and wellness resources that may be helpful to you.
Many employees have expressed concerns regarding their retirement. Reach out to your retirement system or financial investment provider to learn more about their COVID-19 response.
This may be a good time to consider participating in professional development opportunities that can help clarify your career goals moving forward.
Using a strengths-based coaching approach, our experts will help you explore your natural areas of strength and determine ways to leverage them to enhance or further your career.
Capitalize on all you have to offer by refining your skills and learning new ways to approach your work.
UB HR recognizes that it is difficult to achieve work-life balance. Understanding the benefits available to you as an employee can only assist you in all aspects of your life. The Benefits and Work-Life Balance department in Human Resources will present information about your leave benefits, using your accruals and other programs that may help you have a comfortable work-life balance such as mediation services, fitness and wellness classes, career coaching and lactation support.
This is the university’s official site for emergency planning and procedures. During an emergency, updates will be posted here.
EAP understands that employees may need help to cope with the unique challenges presented by living and working during this pandemic. We invite you to take a moment to consider your mental well-being by taking the following brief surveys to help you better understand your feelings.
Your responses to these surveys are anonymous, and we will not be able to associate your responses with any other information about you.
For Urgent Help
If you or someone you know needs to talk about an emotional health concern with someone right away, please contact:
EAP Office
Crisis Services
Suicide Helpline
Emergency Help-UB Police
For Consultations, Referrals, and Information
We all need support sometimes. For confidential consultation or 1:1 meetings at no charge to you, referrals to specialists, or general information on how to help yourself or others manage personal or work-related concerns, please call us at 716-645-4461 or submit a confidential request form: > Employee Assistance Consultation Request