Virtual Recruitment

On this page:

You may need to recruit candidates virtually when it is not feasible to bring a candidate to campus.  Review UB's resources and procedures for recruiting candidates virtually.

Find Technology for Virtual Interviews

There are a variety of technology platforms you may want to consider when interviewing remotely. Consider some of the following options when planning your interviews:

Conduct Virtual Interviews

Virtual interviews are appropriate when the search committee and the candidate cannot meet in person. There are additional considerations you should take when planning for a virtual interview.

Provide Virtual Campus Tours

Consider providing a virtual tour of UB's North, South and Downtown campus to provide an overview of life at UB. You can share a prerecorded tour of campus or perform a live video tour.

Marketing Tools

Use these tools to market The University at Buffalo and the Western New York region to candidates.

Contact an Expert

UB Jobs Support Staff


Phone: 716-645-5627
